HOW TO REASSESS YOUR CHESS by Jeremy Silman.His list, “not necessarily in that order of course”: Rensch is an international master and supreme ruler of. MIKHAIL BOTVINNIK: THE LIFE AND GAMES OF A WORLD CHESS CHAMPION by Andrew Soltis.THE DEFENSE by Vladimir Nabokov (“best chess novel”).THE HUMAN SIDE OF CHESS: THE GREAT MASTERS AND THEIR GAMES by Fred Reinfeld.ZURICH INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT 1953 by David Bronstein.THE HYPERMODERN CHESS GAME by Savielly Tartakower (Unfortunately it’s only in German.).THE GAME OF CHESS by Siegbert Tarrasch (“Generations learned how to play from this book!”).MASTERS OF THE CHESSBOARD by Richard Reti.RETI’S MODERN IDEAS IN CHESS by Richard Reti (“poetically written”).His novel, 1983, a Dialectical Novel, was given high marks by Harrison Salisbury, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Moscow correspondent of the New York Times. His book, The Battle of Chess Ideas (written in Reti’s tradition), is a classic (available in paper and in e-book format for iOS), and his coffee table book, The World of Chess, is something all chess fans should own. He also happens to have a magnificent chess library that dwarfs mine. Anthony Saidy (the real star of the HBO Fischer movie) is a legendary IM who played Fischer (a close friend of his) many times, and beat many big names (Korchnoi, for example). I’ve always been fond of games annotated by both players.”ĭr. He had this to say about this particular book: “I would go with the Second Piatigorsky Cup where eight of the participants annotated all of their games (Donner did nine and Bobby sadly only one). SECOND PIATIGORSKY CUP by Gregor Piatigorsky and Isaac Kashdan.Knowing John was completely immersed in his Fischer project, I didn’t expect him to give me any feedback about the “best books.” However, he innocently mentioned one and I grabbed it since it’s also a favorite of mine! I’ve been following his progress on this book for quite some time, and when I say it’s the ultimate book on Fischer, I mean it.

John is currently working on the ultimate book about Fischer. Chess Olympic team, chess historian, and author of many chess books, including his two-book masterpiece on Akiba Rubinstein (co-authored by Nikolay Minev). John is an international master, six-time captain of the U.S. We will have to wait for the autobiographies of Carlsen, Caruana, Aronian, Nakamura…” Their works stand out against other very worthy authors. I enjoy the works of Larsen, Bronstein, Tal, Kasparov, Karpov, Silman, Nunn, Watson, and Christiansen, among others. Instead of simply naming titles, I prefer to mention authors. Indeed, I feel like I’ve read them many times. Seirawan said: “All these books have held me in endless fascination.
His Play Winning Chess series is highly thought of, and is a favorite of players from beginner to 1800.

chess champion, Yasser is also a fantastic chess writer and has written many fine chess books.